Druckflex-Kuchenbrod GmbH
Karolinenstraße 3-5
D-63834 Sulzbach
Tel. +49 (0)6028 - 9747-0
Fax +49 (0)6028 - 9747-59
Internet: http://www.druckflex.de
E-Mail: info@druckflex.de
Managing directors Druckflex Kuchenbrod GmbH:
Michel, Patrick Bernhard – Michel, Alexander Edgar
Responsible person for online presence acc. to § 10 Abs. 3 MDStV:
Michel, Patrick Bernhard
District court Aschaffenburg, HRB 14129
UST.Ident.Nr.: DE 310765771
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Liability note:
Despite careful content control, we assume no liability or guarantee for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided and the content of external links. No liability is assumed, which should result from the use of this website. The content of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators. Technical changes reserved, all information without guarantee.
Werbeagentur M. Braun Mediengestaltung
Picture credits:
• Archive Druckflex-Kuchenbrod GmbH
• www.shutterstock.com
Druckflex-Kuchenbrod GmbH
Karolinenstraße 3-5
D-63834 Sulzbach
Internet: www.druckflex.de
E-Mail: info@druckflex.de
Montag bis Donnerstag
8.00 - 17.00 Uhr
8.00 - 12.00 Uhr
+49 (0)6028-9747-0
Bitte beachten Sie die jeweiligen Montageanleitungen und Sicherheitshinweise.
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